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How to prepare for your dog photography session?


Have you ever thought about booking a dog photography session? Maybe you're not entirely sure what to expect?

First things first, step numero uno would be to get in touch with me. I love to find out more about you and your pooch. We'll start planning together and set a date in the calendar for our photography session.

But how do you actually prepare for it? What do you wear when you want to be in the pictures together with your best friend?

While the session is focused primarily on your dog, your clothing is important too! Choose an outfit that’s authentically “you” and that you feel comfortable, stylish and confident wearing. Here’s a quick guide to point you in the right direction....

Yes, please!

Yes to layers: Layers add visual interest, and are a great choice no matter the temperature. Ladies, think scarves, belts, jackets, jewellery and cardigans. For the men, layering a long-sleeve shirt over a tee or thermal will add some dimension to your look.

Yes to textures: Textures like denim or a knit sweater photograph beautifully. Patterns can work well in moderation, but don’t overdo it. Less is more when it comes to patterns.

Yes to colour: Don’t feel compelled to stick solely with neutrals. While everyone should be working from a unified colour palette, feel free to add a splash of colour!

Please, NO.

Things to avoid: gym clothes, low-cut tops, super-short bottoms, baggy or very loose-fitting clothing.

Watch these colours: Be aware that bright white, deep black, or shouty, neon-like colours (e.g. hot pink, magenta, bright green) usually don’t photograph well.

Don’t throw shade! Brimmed hats can create strong shadows on faces, and that’s a big no-no. Transition glasses can also be problematic, as they turn into sunglasses outside.

What about the doggo?

- If possible, please exercise your dog before the session. He’ll undoubtedly be excited about the new place and new experience, and we’ll get down to business more quickly if he‘s already burned off some energy.

- I always carry a stash of treats, but if your dog is picky or has dietary restrictions, please bring something special that she loves! Tiny pieces work best (think coin-sized pieces for large dogs, pea-sized pieces for small dogs).

- If your dog has any favourite toys, please bring them with you. We want things that will grab his attention!

- Consider your pet’s “outfit” and bring a clean, regular flat collar for her portraits. along with a basic lead. If you need a harness for walking, she can always change into the flat collar once we arrive at each shooting location.

(Remember, I can't guarantee that I‘ll be able to remove harnesses or gentle leaders from your dog's final images.)

- Planning a trip to the groomer? Visit at least a few days before our session. New haircuts tend to look better after the first few days, plus it’s overwhelming for most pups to go straight from the groomer to a portrait session.

- Don’t forget to bring water for everyone in your pack.

- Last but not least, bring a bag for carrying all that stuff!

I hope this list helped - if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch!



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